(১৫৪৯) সংসদে অনুমোদনের জন্য উপস্থাপন

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: অর্থমন্ত্রী আবুল মাল আবদুল মুহিত ২০১১-১২ অর্থবছরের এক লাখ ৬৩ হাজার ৫৮৯ কোটি টাকার প্রস্তাবিত বাজেট জাতীয় সংসদে অনুমোদনের জন্য উপস্থাপন করেছেন আজ বৃহস্পতিবার বিকেল চারটা ২৫ মিনিটে অর্থমন্ত্রী তাঁর বাজেট বক্তৃতা শুরু করেন স্পিকার আবদুল হামিদের সভাপতিত্বে অধিবেশন শুরু হয়
এর আগে দুপুরে প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার সভাপতিত্বে মন্ত্রিপরিষদ বৈঠকে প্রস্তাবিত বাজেট অনুমোদন দেওয়া হয় বিকেল চারটার পরপরই প্রধানমন্ত্রী অর্থমন্ত্রী একসঙ্গে সংসদে প্রবেশ করেন
চলতি ২০১০-১১ অর্থবছরের মূল বাজেট ছিল এক লাখ ৩২ হাজার ১৭০ কোটি টাকার অর্থাত্ আগামী বছরের প্রস্তাবিত বাজেট বর্তমান বছরের মূল বাজেট থেকে ৩১ হাজার ৪১৯ কোটি টাকার বেশি
প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে রাজস্ব বা অনোন্নয়ন ব্যয় ধরা হয়েছে এক লাখ ১৭ হাজার ৫৮৯ কোটি টাকা জাতীয় রাজস্ব বোর্ড (এনবিআর) নিয়ন্ত্রিত কর, এনবিআর-বহির্ভূত কর কর ব্যতীত আয় থেকে অর্থ সংগ্রহ করা হবে
অন্যদিকে প্রস্তাবিত আগামী অর্থবছরের বাজেটে বার্ষিক উন্নয়ন কর্মসূচি (এডিপি) বা উন্নয়নব্যয় নির্ধারণ করা হয়েছে ৪৬ হাজার কোটি টাকা চলতি অর্থবছরের মূল এডিপি ছিল ৩৮ হাজার ৫০০ কোটি টাকা কিন্তু, দুই দফা সংশোধনের পর এডিবি দাঁড়িয়েছে ৩৫ হাজার ৮৮০ কোটি টাকা প্রস্তাবিত আগামী বছরের এডিপি হচ্ছে চলতি বছরের মূল উন্নয়ন ব্যয় থেকে সাত হাজার ৫০০ কোটি টাকা বেশি
আগামী বছরের বাজেটে অনুদান বাদে ঘাটতি ধরা হয়েছে ৪৫ হাজার ২০৪ কোটি টাকা
এই ঘাটতি অর্থায়নের বড় অংশ অভ্যন্তরীণ খাত থেকে ঋণ করে মেটানো হবে অভ্যন্তরীণ খাতে মোট ঋণ দেখানো হচ্ছে ২৭ হাজার ২০৮ কোটি টাকা এর মধ্যে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে নেওয়া হবে ১৮ হাজার ৯৫৭ কোটি টাকা আর সঞ্চয়পত্রের মাধ্যমে জনগণের কাছ থেকে সংগ্রহ করা হবে আট হাজার ২৫১ কোটি টাকা ছাড়া আরও অন্যান্য খাত থেকে ঋণ করে বাজেট অর্থায়ন করা হবে
ঘাটতি অর্থায়নে বৈদেশিক সাহায্য ধরা হয়েছে ১৭ হাজার ৯৯৬ কোটি টাকা
উল্লেখ্য, চলতি অর্থবছরে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে সরকারের ঋণ করার লক্ষ্যমাত্রা ছিল ১৫ হাজার ৬৮০ কোটি টাকা কিন্তু মূলত বৈদেশিক সাহায্য কম আসার কারণে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে ১৮ হাজার ৩৭৯ কোটি টাকা ঋণ করার জন্য সংশোধিত বাজেটে প্রস্তাব করা হয়েছে
অর্থমন্ত্রী নতুন অর্থবছরের বাজেট প্রস্তাবনা উত্থাপনের আগে চলতি বছরের এক লাখ ৩০ হাজার ১১ কোটি টাকার সংশোধিত বাজেট জাতীয় সংসদে পেশ করেন

 Budget of hopes and challenges  
The national budget for fiscal 2011-12 is being presented today against a sliding macroeconomic stability and the need to balance several conflicting objectives such as inflation without hampering growth and providing subsidies with 'no additional burden' on taxpayers.
Emphasis on social spending and financial inclusion is also of paramount importance. Reviving investor confidence and stockmarket sentiment, badly hurt by the weak regulations and policy issues, is also high on the expectations list.
Yet, there are lots of challenges.
The manufacturing sector is eagerly waiting to see how the government addresses energy and infrastructure constraints. Growing subsidy requirement for electricity, fuel oil and food is also a vital issue. It is now time to see how the finance minister deals with the issues in the proposed budget.
Pressure is mounting on reserves and balance of payments, giving rise to concerns for further tensions in the economy.
Ahsan H Mansur, executive director of Policy Research Institute, said unlike last year this year's budget is different in terms of macroeconomic stability, growing needs for subsidy, tackling inflation and managing the deficit.
"The government has to be careful in managing the budget and the macroeconomic stability following a climbing pressure on the BOP," said Mansur.
Latest figures show BOP is on negative territory, point-to-point inflation soared to 10.67 percent and foreign exchange reserve went down to $10.45 billion.
"If revenue falls short of the target, there is not enough fiscal space this year as there was last year," said Mansur. In the circumstances, the government borrowing will be higher and consequently there will be further tensions in the money market, he added.
The national budget is a specific plan of the government's finances. Undoubtedly the budget session is the most important economic and financial event for a country like Bangladesh where one-third of the 160 million people live below the poverty line and depend much on government welfare activities.
Above all, the budget will be discussing new tax measures, incentives, pricing of commodities, and allocations for various development programmes. The private sector, the engine of economic growth, is facing severe energy shortage that ultimately affects industrialisation and much-needed job creation.
"Gas supply should be given the topmost priority," said Mostofa Kamal, chairman of Meghna Group of Industries that boasts of a $1.5 billion turnover.
Kamal has invested Tk 1,500 crore to set up some new factories, including a Tk 450 crore chemical factory, after getting approval for gas connections in 2009. But these factories are yet to get gas connections and sitting idle.
Though corporate people were not much interested in the budget in previous years, the situation is different this year in the wake of growing borrowing by the government from the banking sector and liquidity crisis in the money market.
"The government may try alternative sources of borrowing so the money can be used by entrepreneurs for investments and job creation," said Anis A Khan, managing director of Mutual Trust Bank.
Monzur Hossain, senior research fellow of Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, said inflation would rise in an expansionary fiscal measure, but the challenge for the government is to keep it at a tolerable level.

(১৫৪৮) G-1

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: ২০১১-১২ অর্থবছরের জন্য এক লাখ ৬৩ হাজার ৫৮৯ কোটি টাকার বাজেট প্রস্তাব উপস্থাপন করেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী আবুল মাল আবদুল মুহিত

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে মোট আয় ধরা হয়েছে লাখ ২৩ হাজার ৩২৩ কোটি টাকা সামাগ্রিক বাজেট ঘাটতি ধরা হয়েছে ৪৫ হাজার ২০৪ কোটি টাকা, যা জিডিপির শতাংশ

চলতি ২০১০-১১ অর্থবছরের জাতীয় বাজেটের আকার ছিল এক লাখ ৩২ হাজার ১৭০ কোটি টাকা এর মধ্যে এডিপি বরাদ্দ ছিল ৩৮ হাজার কোটি টাকা বাস্তবায়ন সন্তোষজনক না হওয়ায় পরে তা কাটছাঁট করে ৩৫ হাজার ১৩০ কোটিতে নামায় নামিয়ে আনা হয়

Easing of growing inflationary pressures alongside maintaining higher economic growth target remains a daunting task for the government in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Many other puzzles are also in front of Finance Minister AMA Muhith when he presents in parliament today the national budget for 2011-2012, the third of the present government.

The Awami League-led alliance government, exactly in the middle of its five-year tenure, is faced with challenges of tackling a widening budget deficit, financing losses incurred by public entities and meeting populist demand for subsidy payment and safety net programmes.

A potentially high budget outlay is set to compel the government to target higher revenue earning, especially from value added tax (VAT) and income tax, and streamline the foreign aid disbursement process.

Creation of jobs and injection of money into the rural economy, as the ruling party promised before the 2008 elections, are supposed to be priorities still for the finance minister when inflation has reached double digit.

Some 65,000 jobs have been created under the national services project in the past two years whereas the ruling party, in its election manifesto, promised to create one job for one family. According to official estimate, the total number of unemployed people is 12.5 million.

The finance minister has already said in an interview that the last two budgets were of the promises while the next one will be purely for economic consolidation.

The finance ministry is learnt to have fixed a target of gross domestic product at Tk 9016.43 billion or 7 percent growth for the next year although doubts have been expressed that a 6.7 percent growth target for the outgoing fiscal year could be attained.

The collapse of the share market and the uncertainty in overseas job market in recent times have already reduced the confidence of small investors and young job

seekers in pursuing economic opportunities in the near future.

A projected amount of $2 billion required for financing the losses as a result of the government’s costly purchase of electricity and imports of fuel oil will cause further pressure on the national exchequer in the next fiscal year.

The finance minister is under compulsion to ensure adequate allocations for power projects and infrastructure development to remove barriers to investment and economic growth and better the life of the commoners.

He is expected to come out with guideline for raising the ratio of investment to GDP to 30 percent in a couple of years to attain a GDP growth of 8 percent.

Amid rising global grain prices and domestic obligation to ensure food security, the government is expected to allocate significant amount for food and farm subsidies. Muhith is not also in a position to ignore the demand for higher amount to extend the coverage of the social safety net programmes.

The finance minister is likely to announce a crop insurance scheme for the first time. However, farm subsidy may remain unchanged at Tk 62 billion.

The non-development expenditures — likely to be to the tune of Tk 1.1 trillion or 20 percent increase on the current year’s expenditures — are placing strains on the budget, pushing the finance minister to revise downward allocations for much-needed development goals.

In the history of independent Bangladesh, the finance minister places the 39th national budget, the size of which is likely to be Tk 1.63589 trillion, as the media reported, compared to 1.32 trillion budget of the outgoing fiscal year.

Muhith, who authors his 5th budget since the 1980s, is due to present the budget through a power point presentation in the Jatiya Sangsad at 4:00pm today.

He has reportedly made the higher expenditure outlay despite lower than budgeted expenditures of annual development programme (Tk 358.30 billion instead of the original outlay of Tk 385 billion).

This may mean that non-development expenses continue to contribute to widening the budget deficit, which is expected to surpass an amount of Tk 450 billion.

But revenue earning, especially from non-tax sources and taxes outside the jurisdiction of the National Board of Revenue, may remain meagre at less than 20 percent of the targeted amount of Tk 1.18 trillion for the next fiscal year.

The rise in non-development expenditures particularly loss-financing generally deprives the taxpayers of due benefits of development and the poor of deserved social protection. And financing the budget deficit from borrowing from banking sources may deny the private sector entrepreneurs from money required for investment and creation of jobs.

Debt repayment will eat up around Tk 210 billion or 13 percent of the budget, making it the biggest chunk in budget spending.

The finance minister may need to announce fiscal policies and measures in the budget, making them compatible with the monetary policies so that principles of equity in development are upheld.

Business lobbyists expect that the finance minister would announce certain incentives including stimulus to the domestic industries.

Muhith needs to provide incentives to the export sectors, which are performing well when some other economic indicators show dismal performance.

With budget documents, separate reports on activities of 20 ministries on women empowerment and establishing their rights, creating a knowledge-based society using technology titled "March forward of Digital Bangladesh" and a roadmap for development of power and energy sector will also be published.

The finance minister will also place in the House a document prepared by the Planning Commission on the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2011-12 and another on bank and financial institutions activities in fiscal 2010-11 prepared by the Banking and Financial Institution Division.

Muhith will hold a post-budget press conference in the city’s Osmani Memorial auditorium at 4:00pm tomorrow.

(১৫৪৭) B-1

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: ২০১১-১২ অর্থবছরের জন্য এক লাখ ৬৩ হাজার ৫৮৯ কোটি টাকার বাজেট প্রস্তাব উপস্থাপন করেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী আবুল মাল আবদুল মুহিত

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে মোট আয় ধরা হয়েছে লাখ ২৩ হাজার ৩২৩ কোটি টাকা সামাগ্রিক বাজেট ঘাটতি ধরা হয়েছে ৪৫ হাজার ২০৪ কোটি টাকা, যা জিডিপির শতাংশ

চলতি ২০১০-১১ অর্থবছরের জাতীয় বাজেটের আকার ছিল এক লাখ ৩২ হাজার ১৭০ কোটি টাকা এর মধ্যে এডিপি বরাদ্দ ছিল ৩৮ হাজার কোটি টাকা বাস্তবায়ন সন্তোষজনক না হওয়ায় পরে তা কাটছাঁট করে ৩৫ হাজার ১৩০ কোটিতে নামায় নামিয়ে আনা হয়

Easing of growing inflationary pressures alongside maintaining higher economic growth target remains a daunting task for the government in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Many other puzzles are also in front of Finance Minister AMA Muhith when he presents in parliament today the national budget for 2011-2012, the third of the present government.

The Awami League-led alliance government, exactly in the middle of its five-year tenure, is faced with challenges of tackling a widening budget deficit, financing losses incurred by public entities and meeting populist demand for subsidy payment and safety net programmes.

A potentially high budget outlay is set to compel the government to target higher revenue earning, especially from value added tax (VAT) and income tax, and streamline the foreign aid disbursement process.

Creation of jobs and injection of money into the rural economy, as the ruling party promised before the 2008 elections, are supposed to be priorities still for the finance minister when inflation has reached double digit.

Some 65,000 jobs have been created under the national services project in the past two years whereas the ruling party, in its election manifesto, promised to create one job for one family. According to official estimate, the total number of unemployed people is 12.5 million.

The finance minister has already said in an interview that the last two budgets were of the promises while the next one will be purely for economic consolidation.

The finance ministry is learnt to have fixed a target of gross domestic product at Tk 9016.43 billion or 7 percent growth for the next year although doubts have been expressed that a 6.7 percent growth target for the outgoing fiscal year could be attained.

The collapse of the share market and the uncertainty in overseas job market in recent times have already reduced the confidence of small investors and young job

seekers in pursuing economic opportunities in the near future.

A projected amount of $2 billion required for financing the losses as a result of the government’s costly purchase of electricity and imports of fuel oil will cause further pressure on the national exchequer in the next fiscal year.

The finance minister is under compulsion to ensure adequate allocations for power projects and infrastructure development to remove barriers to investment and economic growth and better the life of the commoners.

He is expected to come out with guideline for raising the ratio of investment to GDP to 30 percent in a couple of years to attain a GDP growth of 8 percent.

Amid rising global grain prices and domestic obligation to ensure food security, the government is expected to allocate significant amount for food and farm subsidies. Muhith is not also in a position to ignore the demand for higher amount to extend the coverage of the social safety net programmes.

The finance minister is likely to announce a crop insurance scheme for the first time. However, farm subsidy may remain unchanged at Tk 62 billion.

The non-development expenditures — likely to be to the tune of Tk 1.1 trillion or 20 percent increase on the current year’s expenditures — are placing strains on the budget, pushing the finance minister to revise downward allocations for much-needed development goals.

In the history of independent Bangladesh, the finance minister places the 39th national budget, the size of which is likely to be Tk 1.63589 trillion, as the media reported, compared to 1.32 trillion budget of the outgoing fiscal year.

Muhith, who authors his 5th budget since the 1980s, is due to present the budget through a power point presentation in the Jatiya Sangsad at 4:00pm today.

He has reportedly made the higher expenditure outlay despite lower than budgeted expenditures of annual development programme (Tk 358.30 billion instead of the original outlay of Tk 385 billion).

This may mean that non-development expenses continue to contribute to widening the budget deficit, which is expected to surpass an amount of Tk 450 billion.

But revenue earning, especially from non-tax sources and taxes outside the jurisdiction of the National Board of Revenue, may remain meagre at less than 20 percent of the targeted amount of Tk 1.18 trillion for the next fiscal year.

The rise in non-development expenditures particularly loss-financing generally deprives the taxpayers of due benefits of development and the poor of deserved social protection. And financing the budget deficit from borrowing from banking sources may deny the private sector entrepreneurs from money required for investment and creation of jobs.

Debt repayment will eat up around Tk 210 billion or 13 percent of the budget, making it the biggest chunk in budget spending.

The finance minister may need to announce fiscal policies and measures in the budget, making them compatible with the monetary policies so that principles of equity in development are upheld.

Business lobbyists expect that the finance minister would announce certain incentives including stimulus to the domestic industries.

Muhith needs to provide incentives to the export sectors, which are performing well when some other economic indicators show dismal performance.

With budget documents, separate reports on activities of 20 ministries on women empowerment and establishing their rights, creating a knowledge-based society using technology titled "March forward of Digital Bangladesh" and a roadmap for development of power and energy sector will also be published.

The finance minister will also place in the House a document prepared by the Planning Commission on the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2011-12 and another on bank and financial institutions activities in fiscal 2010-11 prepared by the Banking and Financial Institution Division.

Muhith will hold a post-budget press conference in the city’s Osmani Memorial auditorium at 4:00pm tomorrow.

(১৫৪৬) সোজাসাপ্টা

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: ২০১১-১২ অর্থবছরের জন্য এক লাখ ৬৩ হাজার ৫৮৯ কোটি টাকার বাজেট প্রস্তাব উপস্থাপন করেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী আবুল মাল আবদুল মুহিত

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে মোট আয় ধরা হয়েছে লাখ ২৩ হাজার ৩২৩ কোটি টাকা সামাগ্রিক বাজেট ঘাটতি ধরা হয়েছে ৪৫ হাজার ২০৪ কোটি টাকা, যা জিডিপির শতাংশ

চলতি ২০১০-১১ অর্থবছরের জাতীয় বাজেটের আকার ছিল এক লাখ ৩২ হাজার ১৭০ কোটি টাকা এর মধ্যে এডিপি বরাদ্দ ছিল ৩৮ হাজার কোটি টাকা বাস্তবায়ন সন্তোষজনক না হওয়ায় পরে তা কাটছাঁট করে ৩৫ হাজার ১৩০ কোটিতে নামায় নামিয়ে আনা হয়


Easing of growing inflationary pressures alongside maintaining higher economic growth target remains a daunting task for the government in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Many other puzzles are also in front of Finance Minister AMA Muhith when he presents in parliament today the national budget for 2011-2012, the third of the present government.

The Awami League-led alliance government, exactly in the middle of its five-year tenure, is faced with challenges of tackling a widening budget deficit, financing losses incurred by public entities and meeting populist demand for subsidy payment and safety net programmes.

A potentially high budget outlay is set to compel the government to target higher revenue earning, especially from value added tax (VAT) and income tax, and streamline the foreign aid disbursement process.

Creation of jobs and injection of money into the rural economy, as the ruling party promised before the 2008 elections, are supposed to be priorities still for the finance minister when inflation has reached double digit.

Some 65,000 jobs have been created under the national services project in the past two years whereas the ruling party, in its election manifesto, promised to create one job for one family. According to official estimate, the total number of unemployed people is 12.5 million.

The finance minister has already said in an interview that the last two budgets were of the promises while the next one will be purely for economic consolidation.

The finance ministry is learnt to have fixed a target of gross domestic product at Tk 9016.43 billion or 7 percent growth for the next year although doubts have been expressed that a 6.7 percent growth target for the outgoing fiscal year could be attained.

The collapse of the share market and the uncertainty in overseas job market in recent times have already reduced the confidence of small investors and young job

seekers in pursuing economic opportunities in the near future.

A projected amount of $2 billion required for financing the losses as a result of the government’s costly purchase of electricity and imports of fuel oil will cause further pressure on the national exchequer in the next fiscal year.

The finance minister is under compulsion to ensure adequate allocations for power projects and infrastructure development to remove barriers to investment and economic growth and better the life of the commoners.

He is expected to come out with guideline for raising the ratio of investment to GDP to 30 percent in a couple of years to attain a GDP growth of 8 percent.

Amid rising global grain prices and domestic obligation to ensure food security, the government is expected to allocate significant amount for food and farm subsidies. Muhith is not also in a position to ignore the demand for higher amount to extend the coverage of the social safety net programmes.

The finance minister is likely to announce a crop insurance scheme for the first time. However, farm subsidy may remain unchanged at Tk 62 billion.

The non-development expenditures — likely to be to the tune of Tk 1.1 trillion or 20 percent increase on the current year’s expenditures — are placing strains on the budget, pushing the finance minister to revise downward allocations for much-needed development goals.

In the history of independent Bangladesh, the finance minister places the 39th national budget, the size of which is likely to be Tk 1.63589 trillion, as the media reported, compared to 1.32 trillion budget of the outgoing fiscal year.

Muhith, who authors his 5th budget since the 1980s, is due to present the budget through a power point presentation in the Jatiya Sangsad at 4:00pm today.

He has reportedly made the higher expenditure outlay despite lower than budgeted expenditures of annual development programme (Tk 358.30 billion instead of the original outlay of Tk 385 billion).

This may mean that non-development expenses continue to contribute to widening the budget deficit, which is expected to surpass an amount of Tk 450 billion.

But revenue earning, especially from non-tax sources and taxes outside the jurisdiction of the National Board of Revenue, may remain meagre at less than 20 percent of the targeted amount of Tk 1.18 trillion for the next fiscal year.

The rise in non-development expenditures particularly loss-financing generally deprives the taxpayers of due benefits of development and the poor of deserved social protection. And financing the budget deficit from borrowing from banking sources may deny the private sector entrepreneurs from money required for investment and creation of jobs.

Debt repayment will eat up around Tk 210 billion or 13 percent of the budget, making it the biggest chunk in budget spending.

The finance minister may need to announce fiscal policies and measures in the budget, making them compatible with the monetary policies so that principles of equity in development are upheld.

Business lobbyists expect that the finance minister would announce certain incentives including stimulus to the domestic industries.

Muhith needs to provide incentives to the export sectors, which are performing well when some other economic indicators show dismal performance.

With budget documents, separate reports on activities of 20 ministries on women empowerment and establishing their rights, creating a knowledge-based society using technology titled "March forward of Digital Bangladesh" and a roadmap for development of power and energy sector will also be published.

The finance minister will also place in the House a document prepared by the Planning Commission on the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2011-12 and another on bank and financial institutions activities in fiscal 2010-11 prepared by the Banking and Financial Institution Division.

Muhith will hold a post-budget press conference in the city’s Osmani Memorial auditorium at 4:00pm tomorrow.

প্রস্তাবে আগামী অর্থবছরে জাতীয় অর্থনৈতিক প্রবৃদ্ধি ধরা হয়েছে শতাংশ ২০১৪-১৫ অর্থবছরে প্রবৃদ্ধির হার শতাংশে উন্নীত হবে বলে আশা প্রকাশ করেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী চলতি অর্থবছরের বাজেটে প্রবৃদ্ধির হার ধরা হয়েছিল . শতাংশ

এছাড়া মূল্যস্ফীতির হার ধরা হয়েছে . শতাংশ চলতি অর্থবছরের বাজেটে মূল্যস্ফীতির হার ধরা হয়েছিল . শতাংশ তবে ইতোমধ্যে বার্ষিক গড় মূল্যস্ফীতি শতাংশে পৌঁছেছে

(১৫৪৫) দাম কমবে দাম বাড়বে

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে শুল্ক সম্পূরক শুল্কের ফলে বেশকিছু পণ্যের দামে হ্রাস-বৃদ্ধি ঘটবে আগামী অর্থবছরে

শুল্ক বাড়ানোর ফলে ২০১১-১২ অর্থবছরে যেসব পণ্যের দাম বড়ছে তার মধ্যে রয়েছেÑ বিলাসবহুল চার দরজাবিশিষ্ট পিকআপ, প্রাথমিক মাধ্যমিকের আমদানি করা পাঠ্যপুস্তক, সিগারেট, বিড়ি, বাস ট্রাকের টায়ার

পরিশোধিত তামা, অপটিক্যাল ফাইবার কেবল, পানির ট্যাপ, শব্দপ্রেরণ গ্রহণ যন্ত্র, তিন চাকার গাড়ির ব্যাটারি, ফেরো ম্যাঙ্গানিজ, ফেরো সিলিকন, ফেরো সিলিকো ম্যাঙ্গানিজ, টিন ক্যান

সম্পূরক শুল্ক বাড়ানো বা আরোপ করার ফলে আমদানি করা যেসব পণ্যের দাম বাড়ছে তার মধ্যে রয়েছে- ফোর স্ট্রোক মোটর সাইকেল, সব ধরনের গজ কাগড় প্রস্তুতকৃত কাপড়, মাছ, প্রসাধনী দ্রব্য, সুগন্ধী, জুতার পালিশ

টয়লেট পেপার, স্যানিটারি টাওয়েল ন্যাপকিন, রান্নাঘরে ব্যবহৃত কাচের সামগ্রী, গৃহে ব্যবহৃত ফ্যান, ফ্যানের যন্ত্রাংশ, বিভিন্ন বৈদ্যুতিক সুইচ, প্লাগ সকেট, আসবাবপত্র

শুল্ক সম্পূরক শুল্ক কমানোর ফলে যেসব পণ্যের দাম কমছে তার মধ্যে রয়েছে- এলপি গ্যাস, গ্যাস সিলিন্ডার প্রস্তুতকারী শিল্পের উপকরণ, ইটিপির জন্য আমদানিকৃত রাসায়নিক, ক্যান্সার কেমাথেরাপি ওষুধ, বিদ্যুৎসাশ্রয়ী বাতি, সৌরচালিত বাতি, টিউব লাইট

পলিপ্রোপাইলিন ফিল্ম, মেলামাইন বানানোর কাঁচামাল, ডলোমাইট, গ্লাস ফাইবার, ম্যাঙ্গানিজ ডাইঅক্সাইড, পটাশিয়াম নাইট্রেট, পটাশিয়াম কার্বোনেট, ফ্ল্যাট রোল পণ্য, রং করা প্লাস্টিক, আর-টুটু গ্যাস, অকটানল প্রভৃতি

Easing of growing inflationary pressures alongside maintaining higher economic growth target remains a daunting task for the government in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Many other puzzles are also in front of Finance Minister AMA Muhith when he presents in parliament today the national budget for 2011-2012, the third of the present government.

The Awami League-led alliance government, exactly in the middle of its five-year tenure, is faced with challenges of tackling a widening budget deficit, financing losses incurred by public entities and meeting populist demand for subsidy payment and safety net programmes.

A potentially high budget outlay is set to compel the government to target higher revenue earning, especially from value added tax (VAT) and income tax, and streamline the foreign aid disbursement process.

Creation of jobs and injection of money into the rural economy, as the ruling party promised before the 2008 elections, are supposed to be priorities still for the finance minister when inflation has reached double digit.

Some 65,000 jobs have been created under the national services project in the past two years whereas the ruling party, in its election manifesto, promised to create one job for one family. According to official estimate, the total number of unemployed people is 12.5 million.

The finance minister has already said in an interview that the last two budgets were of the promises while the next one will be purely for economic consolidation.

The finance ministry is learnt to have fixed a target of gross domestic product at Tk 9016.43 billion or 7 percent growth for the next year although doubts have been expressed that a 6.7 percent growth target for the outgoing fiscal year could be attained.

The collapse of the share market and the uncertainty in overseas job market in recent times have already reduced the confidence of small investors and young job

seekers in pursuing economic opportunities in the near future.

A projected amount of $2 billion required for financing the losses as a result of the government’s costly purchase of electricity and imports of fuel oil will cause further pressure on the national exchequer in the next fiscal year.

The finance minister is under compulsion to ensure adequate allocations for power projects and infrastructure development to remove barriers to investment and economic growth and better the life of the commoners.

He is expected to come out with guideline for raising the ratio of investment to GDP to 30 percent in a couple of years to attain a GDP growth of 8 percent.

Amid rising global grain prices and domestic obligation to ensure food security, the government is expected to allocate significant amount for food and farm subsidies. Muhith is not also in a position to ignore the demand for higher amount to extend the coverage of the social safety net programmes.

The finance minister is likely to announce a crop insurance scheme for the first time. However, farm subsidy may remain unchanged at Tk 62 billion.

The non-development expenditures — likely to be to the tune of Tk 1.1 trillion or 20 percent increase on the current year’s expenditures — are placing strains on the budget, pushing the finance minister to revise downward allocations for much-needed development goals.

In the history of independent Bangladesh, the finance minister places the 39th national budget, the size of which is likely to be Tk 1.63589 trillion, as the media reported, compared to 1.32 trillion budget of the outgoing fiscal year.

Muhith, who authors his 5th budget since the 1980s, is due to present the budget through a power point presentation in the Jatiya Sangsad at 4:00pm today.

He has reportedly made the higher expenditure outlay despite lower than budgeted expenditures of annual development programme (Tk 358.30 billion instead of the original outlay of Tk 385 billion).

This may mean that non-development expenses continue to contribute to widening the budget deficit, which is expected to surpass an amount of Tk 450 billion.

But revenue earning, especially from non-tax sources and taxes outside the jurisdiction of the National Board of Revenue, may remain meagre at less than 20 percent of the targeted amount of Tk 1.18 trillion for the next fiscal year.

The rise in non-development expenditures particularly loss-financing generally deprives the taxpayers of due benefits of development and the poor of deserved social protection. And financing the budget deficit from borrowing from banking sources may deny the private sector entrepreneurs from money required for investment and creation of jobs.

Debt repayment will eat up around Tk 210 billion or 13 percent of the budget, making it the biggest chunk in budget spending.

The finance minister may need to announce fiscal policies and measures in the budget, making them compatible with the monetary policies so that principles of equity in development are upheld.

Business lobbyists expect that the finance minister would announce certain incentives including stimulus to the domestic industries.

Muhith needs to provide incentives to the export sectors, which are performing well when some other economic indicators show dismal performance.

With budget documents, separate reports on activities of 20 ministries on women empowerment and establishing their rights, creating a knowledge-based society using technology titled "March forward of Digital Bangladesh" and a roadmap for development of power and energy sector will also be published.

The finance minister will also place in the House a document prepared by the Planning Commission on the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2011-12 and another on bank and financial institutions activities in fiscal 2010-11 prepared by the Banking and Financial Institution Division.

Muhith will hold a post-budget press conference in the city’s Osmani Memorial auditorium at 4:00pm tomorrow.

(১৫৪৪) বাজেট ও লোন

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে ঋণ নেওয়ার পরিমাণ ধরা হয়েছে ১৮ হাজার ৫৭ কোটি টাকা, যা বিদায়ী অর্থবছরের প্রাথমিক লক্ষ্যের চেয়ে হাজার কোটি টাকা বেশি

অর্থমন্ত্রী আবুল মাল আবদুল মুহিত বলেছেন, ঘাটতি পূরণে সরকার এই ঋণ নেবে, যা জিডিপির দুই দশমিক এক শতাংশ

বৃহস্পতিবার বিকেল ৪টা ২৫ মিনিটে অর্থমন্ত্রী বাজেট উপস্থাপন শুরু করেন

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে ব্যাংক বহির্ভূত খাত থেকে ঋণ নেওয়া হবে আট হাজার ২৫১ কোটি টাকা (জিডিপির দশমিক শতাংশ) পাশাপাশি ঘাটতি পূরণে সহজ শর্তে স্বল্প সুদের বৈদেশিক উৎসকেও গুরুত্ব দেওয়া হয়েছে

চলতি ২০১০-১১ অর্থবছরের বাজেটে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে ঋণ নেওয়ার পরিমাণ ধরা হয়েছিলো ১৫ হাজার ৬৮০ কোটি টাকা তবে সংশোধিত বাজেটে তা বাড়িয়ে ১৮ হাজার ৩৭৯ কোটি টাকা করা হয়

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে সার্বিক বাজেট ঘাটতি ধরা হয়েছে ৪৫ হাজার ২০৪ কোটি টাকা, যা জিডিপির পাঁচ শতাংশ এই ঘাটতি অর্থায়নে অভ্যন্তরীণ উৎস থেকে ২৭ হাজার ২০৮ কোটি টাকা (জিডিপির শতাংশ) এবং বৈদেশিক উৎস থেকে ১৭ হাজার ৯৯৬ কোটি টাকার (জিডিপির শতাংশ) যোগান দেওয়া হবে বলে বাজেট প্রস্তাবে উল্লেখ করেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী

Easing of growing inflationary pressures alongside maintaining higher economic growth target remains a daunting task for the government in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Many other puzzles are also in front of Finance Minister AMA Muhith when he presents in parliament today the national budget for 2011-2012, the third of the present government.

The Awami League-led alliance government, exactly in the middle of its five-year tenure, is faced with challenges of tackling a widening budget deficit, financing losses incurred by public entities and meeting populist demand for subsidy payment and safety net programmes.

A potentially high budget outlay is set to compel the government to target higher revenue earning, especially from value added tax (VAT) and income tax, and streamline the foreign aid disbursement process.

Creation of jobs and injection of money into the rural economy, as the ruling party promised before the 2008 elections, are supposed to be priorities still for the finance minister when inflation has reached double digit.

Some 65,000 jobs have been created under the national services project in the past two years whereas the ruling party, in its election manifesto, promised to create one job for one family. According to official estimate, the total number of unemployed people is 12.5 million.

The finance minister has already said in an interview that the last two budgets were of the promises while the next one will be purely for economic consolidation.

The finance ministry is learnt to have fixed a target of gross domestic product at Tk 9016.43 billion or 7 percent growth for the next year although doubts have been expressed that a 6.7 percent growth target for the outgoing fiscal year could be attained.

The collapse of the share market and the uncertainty in overseas job market in recent times have already reduced the confidence of small investors and young job

seekers in pursuing economic opportunities in the near future.

A projected amount of $2 billion required for financing the losses as a result of the government’s costly purchase of electricity and imports of fuel oil will cause further pressure on the national exchequer in the next fiscal year.

The finance minister is under compulsion to ensure adequate allocations for power projects and infrastructure development to remove barriers to investment and economic growth and better the life of the commoners.

He is expected to come out with guideline for raising the ratio of investment to GDP to 30 percent in a couple of years to attain a GDP growth of 8 percent.

Amid rising global grain prices and domestic obligation to ensure food security, the government is expected to allocate significant amount for food and farm subsidies. Muhith is not also in a position to ignore the demand for higher amount to extend the coverage of the social safety net programmes.

The finance minister is likely to announce a crop insurance scheme for the first time. However, farm subsidy may remain unchanged at Tk 62 billion.

The non-development expenditures — likely to be to the tune of Tk 1.1 trillion or 20 percent increase on the current year’s expenditures — are placing strains on the budget, pushing the finance minister to revise downward allocations for much-needed development goals.

In the history of independent Bangladesh, the finance minister places the 39th national budget, the size of which is likely to be Tk 1.63589 trillion, as the media reported, compared to 1.32 trillion budget of the outgoing fiscal year.

Muhith, who authors his 5th budget since the 1980s, is due to present the budget through a power point presentation in the Jatiya Sangsad at 4:00pm today.

He has reportedly made the higher expenditure outlay despite lower than budgeted expenditures of annual development programme (Tk 358.30 billion instead of the original outlay of Tk 385 billion).

This may mean that non-development expenses continue to contribute to widening the budget deficit, which is expected to surpass an amount of Tk 450 billion.

But revenue earning, especially from non-tax sources and taxes outside the jurisdiction of the National Board of Revenue, may remain meagre at less than 20 percent of the targeted amount of Tk 1.18 trillion for the next fiscal year.

The rise in non-development expenditures particularly loss-financing generally deprives the taxpayers of due benefits of development and the poor of deserved social protection. And financing the budget deficit from borrowing from banking sources may deny the private sector entrepreneurs from money required for investment and creation of jobs.

Debt repayment will eat up around Tk 210 billion or 13 percent of the budget, making it the biggest chunk in budget spending.

The finance minister may need to announce fiscal policies and measures in the budget, making them compatible with the monetary policies so that principles of equity in development are upheld.

Business lobbyists expect that the finance minister would announce certain incentives including stimulus to the domestic industries.

Muhith needs to provide incentives to the export sectors, which are performing well when some other economic indicators show dismal performance.

With budget documents, separate reports on activities of 20 ministries on women empowerment and establishing their rights, creating a knowledge-based society using technology titled "March forward of Digital Bangladesh" and a roadmap for development of power and energy sector will also be published.

The finance minister will also place in the House a document prepared by the Planning Commission on the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2011-12 and another on bank and financial institutions activities in fiscal 2010-11 prepared by the Banking and Financial Institution Division.

Muhith will hold a post-budget press conference in the city’s Osmani Memorial auditorium at 4:00pm tomorrow.

(১৫৪৪) বাজেট ও লোন

Thursday, June 09, 2011 Unknown
শেয়ারবাজার :::: প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে ঋণ নেওয়ার পরিমাণ ধরা হয়েছে ১৮ হাজার ৫৭ কোটি টাকা, যা বিদায়ী অর্থবছরের প্রাথমিক লক্ষ্যের চেয়ে হাজার কোটি টাকা বেশি

অর্থমন্ত্রী আবুল মাল আবদুল মুহিত বলেছেন, ঘাটতি পূরণে সরকার এই ঋণ নেবে, যা জিডিপির দুই দশমিক এক শতাংশ

বৃহস্পতিবার বিকেল ৪টা ২৫ মিনিটে অর্থমন্ত্রী বাজেট উপস্থাপন শুরু করেন

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে ব্যাংক বহির্ভূত খাত থেকে ঋণ নেওয়া হবে আট হাজার ২৫১ কোটি টাকা (জিডিপির দশমিক শতাংশ) পাশাপাশি ঘাটতি পূরণে সহজ শর্তে স্বল্প সুদের বৈদেশিক উৎসকেও গুরুত্ব দেওয়া হয়েছে

চলতি ২০১০-১১ অর্থবছরের বাজেটে ব্যাংক ব্যবস্থা থেকে ঋণ নেওয়ার পরিমাণ ধরা হয়েছিলো ১৫ হাজার ৬৮০ কোটি টাকা তবে সংশোধিত বাজেটে তা বাড়িয়ে ১৮ হাজার ৩৭৯ কোটি টাকা করা হয়

প্রস্তাবিত বাজেটে সার্বিক বাজেট ঘাটতি ধরা হয়েছে ৪৫ হাজার ২০৪ কোটি টাকা, যা জিডিপির পাঁচ শতাংশ এই ঘাটতি অর্থায়নে অভ্যন্তরীণ উৎস থেকে ২৭ হাজার ২০৮ কোটি টাকা (জিডিপির শতাংশ) এবং বৈদেশিক উৎস থেকে ১৭ হাজার ৯৯৬ কোটি টাকার (জিডিপির শতাংশ) যোগান দেওয়া হবে বলে বাজেট প্রস্তাবে উল্লেখ করেছেন অর্থমন্ত্রী

Easing of growing inflationary pressures alongside maintaining higher economic growth target remains a daunting task for the government in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1.

Many other puzzles are also in front of Finance Minister AMA Muhith when he presents in parliament today the national budget for 2011-2012, the third of the present government.

The Awami League-led alliance government, exactly in the middle of its five-year tenure, is faced with challenges of tackling a widening budget deficit, financing losses incurred by public entities and meeting populist demand for subsidy payment and safety net programmes.

A potentially high budget outlay is set to compel the government to target higher revenue earning, especially from value added tax (VAT) and income tax, and streamline the foreign aid disbursement process.

Creation of jobs and injection of money into the rural economy, as the ruling party promised before the 2008 elections, are supposed to be priorities still for the finance minister when inflation has reached double digit.

Some 65,000 jobs have been created under the national services project in the past two years whereas the ruling party, in its election manifesto, promised to create one job for one family. According to official estimate, the total number of unemployed people is 12.5 million.

The finance minister has already said in an interview that the last two budgets were of the promises while the next one will be purely for economic consolidation.

The finance ministry is learnt to have fixed a target of gross domestic product at Tk 9016.43 billion or 7 percent growth for the next year although doubts have been expressed that a 6.7 percent growth target for the outgoing fiscal year could be attained.

The collapse of the share market and the uncertainty in overseas job market in recent times have already reduced the confidence of small investors and young job

seekers in pursuing economic opportunities in the near future.

A projected amount of $2 billion required for financing the losses as a result of the government’s costly purchase of electricity and imports of fuel oil will cause further pressure on the national exchequer in the next fiscal year.

The finance minister is under compulsion to ensure adequate allocations for power projects and infrastructure development to remove barriers to investment and economic growth and better the life of the commoners.

He is expected to come out with guideline for raising the ratio of investment to GDP to 30 percent in a couple of years to attain a GDP growth of 8 percent.

Amid rising global grain prices and domestic obligation to ensure food security, the government is expected to allocate significant amount for food and farm subsidies. Muhith is not also in a position to ignore the demand for higher amount to extend the coverage of the social safety net programmes.

The finance minister is likely to announce a crop insurance scheme for the first time. However, farm subsidy may remain unchanged at Tk 62 billion.

The non-development expenditures — likely to be to the tune of Tk 1.1 trillion or 20 percent increase on the current year’s expenditures — are placing strains on the budget, pushing the finance minister to revise downward allocations for much-needed development goals.

In the history of independent Bangladesh, the finance minister places the 39th national budget, the size of which is likely to be Tk 1.63589 trillion, as the media reported, compared to 1.32 trillion budget of the outgoing fiscal year.

Muhith, who authors his 5th budget since the 1980s, is due to present the budget through a power point presentation in the Jatiya Sangsad at 4:00pm today.

He has reportedly made the higher expenditure outlay despite lower than budgeted expenditures of annual development programme (Tk 358.30 billion instead of the original outlay of Tk 385 billion).

This may mean that non-development expenses continue to contribute to widening the budget deficit, which is expected to surpass an amount of Tk 450 billion.

But revenue earning, especially from non-tax sources and taxes outside the jurisdiction of the National Board of Revenue, may remain meagre at less than 20 percent of the targeted amount of Tk 1.18 trillion for the next fiscal year.

The rise in non-development expenditures particularly loss-financing generally deprives the taxpayers of due benefits of development and the poor of deserved social protection. And financing the budget deficit from borrowing from banking sources may deny the private sector entrepreneurs from money required for investment and creation of jobs.

Debt repayment will eat up around Tk 210 billion or 13 percent of the budget, making it the biggest chunk in budget spending.

The finance minister may need to announce fiscal policies and measures in the budget, making them compatible with the monetary policies so that principles of equity in development are upheld.

Business lobbyists expect that the finance minister would announce certain incentives including stimulus to the domestic industries.

Muhith needs to provide incentives to the export sectors, which are performing well when some other economic indicators show dismal performance.

With budget documents, separate reports on activities of 20 ministries on women empowerment and establishing their rights, creating a knowledge-based society using technology titled "March forward of Digital Bangladesh" and a roadmap for development of power and energy sector will also be published.

The finance minister will also place in the House a document prepared by the Planning Commission on the Annual Development Programme (ADP) for fiscal 2011-12 and another on bank and financial institutions activities in fiscal 2010-11 prepared by the Banking and Financial Institution Division.

Muhith will hold a post-budget press conference in the city’s Osmani Memorial auditorium at 4:00pm tomorrow.

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